hotel SETC

as i was searching some news in the net and looking for anything intresting i stumbled upon this website, wich is a comparaison website for the best prices to book all over the world and so i read a litle about it in the description and you can register for free so i did , and what's unique about this website is that other websites just bring you all the discounts that the hotel is giving or a  comparaison between hotel prices and shows you the lowest one , so this one does that tooo but the special touch is that it has conventions with some hotels and restaurants and ..... ect all over the world that allows you to save like up to 50% of the price depends on the place you want to rent in like in chicago you can save up to 54% more than any other website, and when there's a special offer in some other website that's lower than this one they will show it and redirect you to that website, so it's an all in one for a traveler like me who will surely try it, this summer for my Vacations, i'm from algeria and untill now it's he first website that allowed me to book in and see the price with the currency of my country usual it's always shown in dollar or euro and you have to convert and all but it was all taken care of,
so when i entred the website,  "ill add screenshots of it in the bottom" i chose hotels because that's what i want to see first,  if i can't afford the hotel and the living during that period of time then why continue looking if i can go, i found that they had 4 kinds of engines to look for and then to book in into hotels i chose the one that corresponded to my case "red engine" and went one ,
then i chose the region and took a random périod just to test i don't plan to reserve just yet i have to ask for a vacation and get the périod granted and then i'll continue my steps, so i tried that in chicago i hear it's very beutifull "shout out to evryone in chicago ;) " and you can see the prices with your own eyes i mean it's incredible right ? i could hear the airplane launching when i saw the difference of price
was my expectations fullfilled ?
i would say yes it was as i gained more time that i ever could as usually i looked at google map for hotels and compared prices manually and looked at times where they will be promotions, no more of that now evrything could be dealt with this website
 so what is this website you still wondering that can let you:
rend a car, buy a plane ticket,  book hotel
compare prices of different hotels and other things
save monney with their promotions
it's none other than :


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